Sink and Countertop Replacement Challenge at the FML

Last night 15 apprentice plumbers attended TLC’s Sink and Countertop Installation Hands-on Class at the Freeport Memorial Library. During the pre-installation discussion, many of the students shared their growing knowledge about how their house works and growing confidence that they can make certain repairs themselves.
Sink and Countertop Installation Begins
Step 1, install the counter top, Have you ever used a drill before???? Well , know what the answer probably was!!!
Step 2, install all plumbing fixtures to the sink, don’t forget the Plumber’s Putty!!!!!
Applying Plumber’s Putty to Faucet Set To the sprayer attachment and drain….
Step 3 Sink Installation To the Countertop
All Hands On Deck!!!
Step 4 Water and Drain Installation

Really getting into it, can’t have any leaks in my class!!!!!
Job Completed
Only kidding, that’s our sink!!!!!!
We all had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit. Please check the calendar for upcoming events. Brian
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