My Great Maine Adventure Chapter Three “Getting My Ducks In A Row”

Chapter Three is all about getting the project organized. I had to create a to-do list for simple projects and a project planner for more extensive challenges. Did I have the tools needed to complete the projects? How about materials? No way am I going to make a Home Depot run and carry everything up to Maine. Where am I going to purchase the materials needed to complete the project? How about subcontractors? How will I locate subcontractors who specialize in repairs? And who is going to help me; I cannot do this alone!
Also, It is All About Living
I had to plan for food, bathing, sleeping, and most of all…

The old outhouse was in terrible condition. It smelled, and the plywood floor was spongy and rotten. At times, I was afraid I was going to fall into the waste hole beneath the out house.
I Found My Partner
After a lot of begging and cajoling, I convinced Hope’s sister Pamela to come along for the ride. ” It only took 6 phone calls and a bottle of vino.”

Time Frame and Dividing Up the Project
We decided to give the Great Maine Adventure three weeks. Pamela would focus on updating the inside of the house while I would take care of all exterior projects. We would help each other as needed. It was now early July, and we decided to leave for Maine the first week of August. This would give us time to prepare. Pamela did the BJ’s thing, planning out basic meals and supplies (TP, yea!) and I had to find subcontractors and places to purchase materials.
Finding Help and Materials 500 Miles Away

On my way home in June, I stopped by Morrell’s Hardware Store, in Greenville. I have known the owners for 30 years. I reviewed the projects and asked if he could suggest subcontractors. He told me to call him in a week.
Back in New York, I made the followup phone call. My old friend gave me the names and telephone numbers of possible subcontractors, and I was so grateful. He also told me where to purchase building materials in Greenville. I made all the calls and scheduled appointments to meet all the subcontractors when I returned in August. We are on the move!!!!
Time to Gather The Tools
As the old saying goes “the right tool for the right job”. Yeah, right. I had to be prepared for everything. Here is the list of the repairs we were going to undertake:
- carpentry
- masonry
- electrical
- landscaping
- painting
- wood floor refinishing
- tree removal
- mold and mildew remediation
- exterior power washing
- exterior painting
- rubbish removal “it never ended”
- dock repairs
I had most of the tools I needed, except for a gas powered water pump. We would have to bring water from the lake to the house for power washing, and site work.

All I had to do now is fit the tools, food, clothing and Pamela into my Tundra!
The Adventure Continues- Chapter 4 “Kerb Appeal”